Template Shape Glass Cutting Machine

Template Fixture

Template Fixture

Some of the glass cutting devices or machines cut shape glass with template fixtures. A template is a sheet of plastic or plywood with inner hollow structure. The shape and size of the hollow is same as the glass shape to be cut. The template is fixed by knobs onto the cutting beds or tables. Templates are changeover within minutes.

Cutting head is put inside the hollow and is lean against the internal rim of the hollow. While cutting head is lower down with cutting wheels against the glass by manual or pneumatic, the cutting arm is swung around the internal rim of the hollow. After one round is made, cutting score is done.

Each of the cutting wheels is installed in a wheel holder. The wheel holder is inserted into the cutting head within seconds. This unique design allows the replacement of cutting wheel easily while no tedious adjustment is required after replacement. Cutting could be done immediately after wheels replacement.